How a new governor, J.B. Pritzker, can go to bat for the mentally ill right away

In his first few weeks as governor, J.B. Pritzker will have to take a swing at a lot of tough pitches, but one important issue looks to us like an easy fastball over the middle of the plate.

We urge Gov.-elect Pritzker to take the lead in creating a network of crisis stabilization units in lllinois, which basically are emergency rooms for people in the throes of a mental health breakdown.

DuPage United Decries President Trump’s Islamophobic Re-Tweets

We, the members of DuPage United, demur President Trump’s misguided demonizing of Muslims and his use of publicly-known extremist propaganda. We believe that the use of this hate-filled speech puts the lives of not only our Muslim neighbors’ at risk, but all minority groups. The rise in virulent anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, and anti-minority messaging has already resulted in a rise in Hate Crimes, most notably against Muslims in 2016 according to the FBI.

Fox River Valley Initiative / DuPage United Combined Assembly

On Thursday, August 3, 600 citizens of DuPage and Kane Counties filled Goodwin Hall Auditorium at Benedictine University in Lisle. Representing over 40 churches and other nonprofit members of DuPage United and the Fox River Valley Initiative (FRVI), the enthusiastic group gathered at an assembly to demonstrate support for, among other things, Crisis Intervention Team training.

Campana building in Batavia developer seeks community support

BATAVIA – The developer for the proposed Campana building apartment project sought community support during a public forum July 17, framing his plan as the best use for the property.

David Block of Evergreen Real Estate Group told a crowd of more than 100 people who turned out at the Congregational Church of Batavia that the 80-unit apartment plan will restore the historic building and provide much-needed affordable housing in the community.

DuPage United Statement on Vandalism at Schmaltz Deli

We, the signatories below, on behalf of DuPage United, stand in solidarity with Schmaltz Delicatessen in Naperville and the Bender family, and against all acts of unlawful vandalism.  

What happened to the Jewish-owned Deli is unfortunate and should be condemned.  This is political speech in an unlawful and unproductive manner (i.e. graffiti). DuPage United stands for building relationships, fostering understanding and working on common goals.

Daily Herald Letter to the Editor - DuPage now certified in crisis intervention

We commend leaders in DuPage County for making it the first jurisdiction in Illinois outside of Chicago to be certified by the state to offer Crisis Intervention Team training to law enforcement officers.

Within two years, the sheriff's department will train hundreds of officers, saving lives, protecting police, reducing costs and improving outcomes for people in mental health crisis.